Rats are prolific breeders. Homeowners often don't notice a rat infestation until the problem is severe and growing populations force rats out into the open as they look for food and alternate nesting locations.
Some signs of an infestation would be: sightings of live or dead rodents; the presence of droppings and urine stains and the pungent odor associated with this; greasy "rub" marks along walls, floorboards, and entryways; damage and contamination to food and pantry items; and gnawing damage to structures and wiring including holes chewed for access in walls, doors, floors, roofs, etc…
Rats are opportunistic feeders and nesters. They will invade your home at any time of year if an easy food source exists and protected nesting areas are available. Their sense of smell is excellent and they easily find numerous food sources. They will raid your pantry, as well as garbage cans, pet food, scraps, food spills and any unsecured food as well as foraging outside if necessary to find fruit, vegetable, seeds, grains, nuts, small insects and dead animals. They will even cannibalize their own dead.
The two most common Rats in the Southeastern United States are the Norway Rat and the Roof Rat. Norway Rats tend to be shorter and fatter while Roof Rats are longer and leaner. The Roof Rat's tail is generally longer than its body while Norway's tails are shorter. Their droppings are also shaped differently, this becomes important when identifying where to trap and bait the rodents as their preferred nesting areas and habits are very different.
Rats are very intelligent, cautious, and suspicious of change. They tend to follow established pathways to and from their chosen nesting sites unless they detect subtle changes in the path. They also have a heightened sense of smell which can detect pheromones given off by other rodents thus drawing more rodents to join them, and can also detect changes in normal odors due to placement of poisons or baits to control them. A professional pest control technician's expertise and experience is invaluable in identifying the type of rat problem you have and in overcoming all of the difficulties present when trying to eradicate rat infestations. At Premier Pest Solutions we have years of success at solving rodent infestations and problems in homes and businesses and safeguarding your health and property.
It is important to eradicate rat infestations quickly because they are vectors for human disease in many ways. Not only does rat urine and feces have a pungent unpleasant odor, but they carry bacterial and viral diseases that can infect humans by handling contaminated items or inhaling the dust from droppings. Leptospirosis contracted in this way can cause liver and kidney damage and even cardiovascular problems. Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis and Hantavirus as well as other viral infections can be transmitted by saliva, urine, and feces. Salmonellosis is a serious bacterial infection caused by consuming food or drink contaminated by rat feces and urine.
Rats also carry parasites, fleas, ticks, and microorganisms that can transmit diseases to humans by bites from fleas, ticks, and crane flies that have bitten infected rats. Bubonic plague, Colorado Tick Fever, and Cutaneous Leishmoniasis are just a few of these diseases. Rat bites and scratches can result in diseases as well, including Rat Bite Fever. Their droppings also cause severe allergies in susceptible individuals and can affect those with asthma and immune deficiencies. In short, it is very important for your health to avoid rodents contaminating and inhabiting human living and working spaces.
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