• Occasional Insect Invaders

  • There are numerous varieties of insects that will occasionally find their way into your living spaces and attempt to take up residence, due to ease of entry, a comfortable environment and plentiful food sources.  Some pose a hazard to your health, some infest and destroy structures or human foods, clothes, etc. while some are merely scary looking or annoying in their numbers, habits, and their determination to take over your home.  Among these are creatures as diverse as: scorpions, centipedes and millipedes, crickets, silverfish, earwigs, beetles, mites, kudzu bugs, weevils, true bugs, moths, and thousands upon thousands of other species.  If you have a creature causing you concern or discomfort in your home or office, Premier Pest Solutions will find what is causing them to infest your spaces and solve the problem.

  • Scorpions

    The scorpion is related to spiders, ticks, and mites.  Scorpions can live in very dry areas, but they tend to lose moisture from their bodies rather easily and prefer to linger in dark, cool, shady areas inside your home.  A common place they might be found is in basements or under tubs and showers.  While not life threatening unless you are severely allergic, the scorpions sting is quite painful.

  • Earwigs

    Earwigs are long slender insects with pincer like tails that are fast moving.  All species have wings, but not all species fly.  They are not harmful, do not bite or sting, but they might pinch you with their pincers if disturbed.  Their presence in your home can indicate the presence of damp water damaged areas where they like to hide, and the presence of other insects that they feed upon.  They are commonly found outside under damp mulch or other landscape materials and are attracted to lights at night and may enter your home through cracks and crevices following the light or looking for food.  Dry weather may also send them into your home looking for damp areas.  One female can lay 40-50 eggs and they tend to congregate in the same areas, so if you see one chances are you have more.

  • Silverfish

    Silverfish and earwigs are often mistaken for each other as they both prefer damp areas, but they are from different insect families, and earwigs, as well as spiders and centipedes, often prey upon silverfish.  Silverfish have softer bluish grey bodies with 3 hairlike appendages at the end of the abdomen.  They feed on carbohydrates and often the first sign of a silverfish infestation is damage to papers, clothing, and wallpapers from their feeding.  They are commonly found in kitchens, bathrooms, laundry rooms, attics, and basements.  They can often be observed scurrying hurriedly away when moving old musty papers, books, or boxes.  Silverfish breed prolifically and can cause significant harm with their feeding habits if there is a large infestation.

  • Centipedes and Millipedes

    Centipedes and Millipedes are both long insects with numerous pairs of legs which propel them on their way. Centipedes have 1 pair of legs per body section, while Millipedes have 2 per body section.  Centipedes move very quickly while Millipedes tend to move slowly and burrow.  Centipedes feed off of other insects and Millipedes generally feed off of vegetation and decaying plant material.  Centipedes, especially larger species, can deliver a stinging bite which can kill small prey and hurt a human, while millipedes protect themselves from predators by curling up and secreting defensive fluids that deter predators.  At certain times of the year and during hot dry periods, they sometimes mass migrate and you can be overrun with them very quickly.

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