Bed Bugs are an opportunistic, parasitical pest that we are seeing more and more frequently in the U.S. Due to their small size (only 4-5mm at adulthood) and even smaller in nymph stages, their light coloring in nymph stages, and their preference of hiding in small cracks and crevices; humans transfer Bed Bugs from place to place on luggage and clothing very easily. Many infestations begin simply by bringing your luggage and clothing home after a visit to a hotel room that has an infestation. And cleanliness isn't always a factor, these tiny parasites have been found in even 5 star hotels. Once you have brought them home, they are equally adept at hiding there.
Bed Bugs feed off of the blood of human or animal hosts and then return to their hiding places when the host becomes active or isn't present. They sense that the host is present and still by the carbon dioxide which we exhale. When carbon dioxide is concentrated in an area for a while; such as when we lay sleeping, or even sitting still for long periods; Bed Bugs come out to find a feeding source. In many cases, the bite is not painful at first. It may take hours or days for an allergic reaction to occur. The Bed Bug may feed for up to 10 minutes at each bite and change position multiple times without your awareness. Often the first clue that you have a Bed Bug infestation is a cluster of red, itchy bite marks on areas of skin that are exposed while you sleep. Some individuals are much more sensitive to the bites than others and some allergic reactions grow or lessen as the bites become more frequent. Other signs are:
Very often, magnification is required to spot even a very heavy Bed Bug infestation.
Here is a bedbug nymph, engorged with human blood. This bedbug can now develop into an adult and live up to 18 months before needing another feeding. In the meantime, laying more eggs to hatch and feed on you!
The best way to avoid having a Bed Bug infestation is to be very cautious when traveling.
Other ways you could get a Bed Bug infestation would include: bringing in second hand furniture that you haven't thoroughly cleaned and inspected, bringing in second hand clothing, luggage, etc…, having house guests who have picked up Bed Bugs in their travels, or having neighbors in adjacent apartments who have an infestation.
If all of the above safeguards fail, and you suspect you may have a Bed Bug problem, DO NOT HESITATE, call a pest professional experienced in Bed Bug identification and treatment RIGHT AWAY! The problem will only get worse and become more expensive and difficult to eradicate. Over the counter products DO NOT work! Cleaning out even a small Bed Bug infestation can be a very difficult and technical process. They can lay 1-5 eggs per day.
They can go dormant for long periods of time without a blood meal and then re-emerge when a host is present. There are millions of hiding places for these tiny pests in every room of your home, including hard and soft surfaces, wall voids, and electrical outlets. Our professionals at Premier Pest Solutions are very experienced and well equipped to help you solve this problem quickly, safely, and cost effectively.
Waiting only makes the problem worse.
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(256) 458-2239